This year Ateneo dei Racconti reached its tenth edition. A large number of short stories were submitted, and the juries selected the winners: Marta Moientale with NORA, Rachele Ledri with SE VUOI PUOI (?), Chiara Curzel with NON AVRAI Più UN NOME and Michele Castrezzati with VIET.Ora.
Those who already know Ateneo dei Racconti are well aware that the writing of the story is only the first part of the competition. After a phase of rewriting and refining the text, the writers, under the expert guidance of artistic director and writer Davide Longo and director Guido Laino, have the opportunity to stage their stories.
This past year has been hard for all of us - the quarantines, the social distancing, the difficulty of getting around - nonetheless, the winners managed to translate their stories into videos.
At the end of this journey, on 16th February 2022 at 20.45, Ateneo dei Racconti will come out of the pages and present itself in the theatre, with all the protagonists of this edition and the music of the FA Bonporti Conservatory.
To take part in ADR – oltre il racconto it is important to book from here.