Opera Universitatia Desk
Via Malpensada, 140 - 38123 - Trento
Opening hours
Monday to Friday - from 9 to 12 a.m. and
also on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m.
It is possible to book access to the counter through the app
Student services
- Scholarships (+39) 0461217455
- Accommodation (+39) 0461217450
- Catering (+39) 0461217450
- Mediation (+39) 0461217418
- Cultural activities (+39) 0461217445
- Sport (+39) 0461217413
- Part-time student collaborations (150 hours) (+39) 0461217465
- Internships (+39) 0461217432
- CED (+39) 0461217436
Other contacts
- Management |direzione@operauni.tn.it
- Presidency |presidenza@operauni.tn.it
- Concierge |portineriasede@operauni.tn.it
- Certified mail of the organisation |operauniversitaria@pec.operauni.tn.it
Open formatdata available for this information
Contact person | Assignment | Phone | |
Baldo Lorenzo | Property assets - Maintenance | lbaldo@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217424 |
Bellotti Nicoletta | Financial organization | nbellotti@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461.217438 |
Bruseghini Marcella | Student services - Scholarship | mbruseghini@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217480 |
Busana Elisabetta | General services - service Manager | ebusana@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217468 |
Carta Lucia | Student services - communication | lcarta@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217492 |
Casagrande Elisa | Procurement and central purchasing - service Manager | ecasagrande@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217485 |
Chizzola Elena | General services | echizzola@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217408 |
Cortese Fulvio | President | presidenza@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217432 |
Dalla Torre Maria Pia | Student services - Scholarship | mdallatorre@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217469 |
Daprà Fabio | ICT and digitalisation | fdapra@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217436 |
Defant Susanna | Financial organization - service Manager | sdefant@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217430 |
Di Piazza Lavinia | Student services | ldipiazza@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217440 |
Ferrari Marco | ICT and digitalisation | mferrari@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217419 |
Filippi Roberta | Student services - 150 hour | rfilippi@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217465 |
Gelmini Valentina | General Services - Protocol | vgelmini@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217496 |
Grandi Michela | Procurement and central purchasing | mgrandi@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217477 |
Lenzi Roberta | Staff service | rlenzi@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217417 |
Longo Carmen | Property assets - Service Manager | clongo@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217493 |
Maistrelli Manuel | Property assets | mmaistrelli@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217476 |
Mazzi Giuditta | Student services - service Manager | gmazzi@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217431 |
Nicoletti Michela | Financial organization | mnicoletti@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217475 |
Paternoster Elisa | General Services - Protocol | epaternoster@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217427 |
Pezzi Rosanna | Student services - accommodation | rpezzi@operauni.tn.it |
(+39) 0461217453 |
Pigarella Tiziana | Financial organization | tpigarella@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217448 |
Pizzimenti Domenico | Property assets - Maintenance | dpizzimenti@operauni.tn.it | - |
Poletti Elisa | General services | epoletti@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217449 |
Ress Michela | Procurement and central purchasing | mress@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217487 |
Sartori Viola | Procurement and central purchasing | vsartori@operauni.tn.it | |
Spagnolli Federica | Financial organization | fspagnolli@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217459 |
Tamanini Eric | Property assets - Maintenance | etamanini@operauni.tn.it | - |
Tomasini Giorgio | Property assets | gtomasini@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217407 |
Tommasini Renata | Student services - Cultural activities | rtommasini@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217445 |
Vettori Michele | Student services - Accommodation | mvettori@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217457 |
Vicentini Emanuela | Presidency and management referent | evicentini@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217432 |
Voltolini Gianni | Director | gvoltolini@operauni.tn.it | (+39) 0461217421 |
Zanei Giorgio | Property assets - Maintenance | gzanei@operauni.tn.it | - |