Opera Universitaria manages the restoration system tailored for the students and professors of the University of Trento and Rovereto, with canteens and bars located both in the town center and in Povo, and through agreements provided for in Rovereto and San Michele.
The service is addressed to: the students enrolled in the University of Trento, SSML, Trentino Art Academy, or the Academy of Music of Trento; the students enrolled in university and postgraduate programs in the health field as carried out in the province of Trento; and to professors, PhD students, and the administrative staff of the University of Trento.
Access to the canteens is also granted to the students enrolled in university programs in the health field - though formally enrolled in the University of Verona - with the same prices paid by the students of the University of Trento, as long as they possess the student card released by Opera’s offices.

To help out students by, at the same time, managing the provided services in conditions of utmost security, we have developed Opera4U, the app that grants you digital access to Opera Universitaria’s services.

Access to the canteens is allowed upon reservation via Opera4U’s online services.
The student will have the possibility to select the canteen, the day, the meal (whether lunch or dinner), and the timespan in which they want to have access. After that, a notification will be sent via e-mail with a bar code, which will have to be read by the scanner located at the entrance of every canteen. The scanner will, then, print (as long as the reservation is valid) the receipt of access, which will have to be handed to the staff behind the counter when purchasing the meal.
If the student makes the reservation via the app, the bar code will be found directly in the app. This way, access is easier and more immediate.

The scanner placed before the entrance of the canteens displays live the situation for each timespan, showing: the number of free spots, the spots booked and not-booked, and the number of people in.

Through the use of Opera4U, the student may discover the menu of the day and have info as regard the ingredients, allergens, nutritional values, and the nutrition declaration of every dish. Soon available is a customer satisfaction questionnaire, so as to consistently improve our services.

Presidente Opera Universitaria | Qualcosa bolle in pentola Slide presentazione indagine (21.2.2017) | Download Open |
Prof.ssa Francesca Sartori | Qualcosa bolle in pentola Slide presentazione indagine (21.2.2017) | Download Open |
Qualcosa bolle in pentola Indagine 2015-2016 | Rapporto sul servizio di ristorazione dell'Opera Universitaria sulla base dell'indagine svolta tra gli studenti nell'a.a. 2015/16 | Download Open |
Indagine soddisfazione degli utenti | dei servizi di ristorazione dell'Opera Universitaria (2012) | Download Open |