Work with us
150 hour employment opportunities

Opera Universitaria offers opportunities for part-time work collaborations each year, as part of its institutional activities, to students enrolled at the University of Trento, starting from the second year and up to the first year out of the course. 

The student(s) can choose the type of activity to be performed from a wide range of proposals from the Call for Bando di concorso per l’attività di collaborazione a tempo parziale a.a. 2024-25 - Opera Universitaria: reception services, information and support in the submission of applications for benefits at the information desks, administrative activities in the offices, verification and control in the housing facilities, support in the organization and conduct of cultural activities and events promoted by the institution, collaboration within the Mediation service, fire on-call support services at the S. Bartolameo and Mayer Studentates, manning and control services in the gyms of the S. Bartolameo Studentate (red gym and yellow gym), concierge at the Mayer Studentate. 

Opera may involve in special activities, traceable to projects promoted by the various sectors of the institution, students who participated in the “Bando di concorso per l’attività di collaborazione a tempo parziale a.a. 2024-25 (Università degli studi di Trento) - All. 5 - Attività di tipo specialistico”, who were eligible in the ranking list, and are in possession of curriculum and/or specific skills. 

The duration of collaborations with Opera varies from a minimum of 150 to a maximum of 200 hours, with the exception of area “B - mediation” and collaborations related to “specialized activities” for which a maximum of 350 hours may be provided for specific needs of the service.

The hourly fee, exempt from personal income tax pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 68 of March 29, 2012, is established in relation to the type of collaboration envisaged and may vary from a minimum of € 6.00 to a maximum of € 9.00.

The part-time collaboration activity, which involves compulsory attendance and passing of the final tests of the online courses on Health and Safety in the Workplace (FORGE general training and FORBAS low risk training) and on Privacy (Privacy Guidelines and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)), does not in any way configure an employment relationship and does not qualify for any evaluation for the purposes of public competitions.

 Part-time collaboration activity (150-hour employment opportunities)

Pursuant to Article 11 of Legislative Decree no. 68 of 29 March 2012, the amount of student collaboration is tax-exempt up to an amount of €3,500.00 for each calendar year. If in the same year fees are paid for services carried out in different years for a total amount exceeding the above limit, the excess will be subject to IRPEF (e.g. collaboration carried out in 2023 paid in 2024 + collaboration carried out and paid in 2024).
A CU form will be issued for the remuneration paid (both exempt and any amount subject to IREPF):
- the exempt part must not be declared for IRPEF purposes (Form 730 or Modello Redditi Persone Fisiche), while it must be reported in any ISEE, ICEF, etc. declarations  
- the part subject to IRPEF (if any) must be reported in the eventual income tax return (Form 730 or Modello Redditi Persone Fisiche) and will concur to form the income limit to be considered "fiscally dependent".

The CU form relating to the income of the proceeding year can be downloaded by accessing the MYUNITN profile of Esse3, downloading the special widget called "Cu Opera Universitaria" from the settings (spanner in the top right-hand corner).

All communications are made exclusively through the institutional e-mail account:



For information on the service,

You can open a ticket via the following link:
Icona Ticket

Requirements for participation

Read Bando di concorso per l’attività di collaborazione a tempo parziale a.a. 2024-25 - Opera Universitaria


Bando di concorso per l’attività di collaborazione a tempo parziale a.a. 2024-25 (University of Trento) particularly All. 5 - Attività di tipo specialistico

The regulations for part-time student work stipulate that each call for applications, in addition to outlining the possible types of collaboration, defines different requirements, duration and remuneration per hour.

Application and method of presentation

The application can only be submitted online and must be submitted by October 6, 2024 by filling out the apply Bandi di concorso per l'attività di collaborazione a tempo parziale a.a. 2024/25 (

 Applications can only be submitted online, during the opening periods set out in the notices.

The 2024/2025 rankings will be posted on this page and on the UniTrento website



Modulo Caricamento ore 2024 Download
Modulo rinuncia parziale 2024 Download Open

Graduatoria settore A –Bando attività presso Opera Universitaria
Graduatoria settore B –Bando attività presso Opera Universitaria
Graduatoria settore C –Bando attività presso Opera Universitaria
Graduatoria settore D –Bando attività presso Opera Universitaria
Graduatoria – Bando attività specialistiche



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