OPERA UNIVERSITARIA DI TRENTO si impegna a rendere il proprio sito web accessibile, conformemente alla legge 9 gennaio 2004, n.4. La presente dichiarazione di accessibilità si applica a: https://www.operauni.tn.it/
Parzialmente conforme
Questo sito web è parzialmente conforme ai requisiti previsti dall’appendice A della norma UNI CEI EN 301549 in ragione dei casi di non conformità e delle deroghe elencate di seguito.
I contenuti di seguito elencati non sono accessibili per il seguente motivo:
4. a) inosservanza della legge 9 gennaio 2004, n.4.
Elenco dei contenuti rilevati non ancora accessibili in via di risoluzione su alcune pagine del sito e relativi riferimenti alle WCAG 2.1:
I contenuti rilevati su alcune pagine del sito non ancora accessibili sono in via di risoluzione. Provvederemo nei prossimi giorni alla pubblicazione dell’elenco e relativi riferimenti alle WCAG 2.1.
Nella home page del sito in basso a sinistra, è stato installato un overlay per l’accessibilità che non risolve tutti i problemi ma offre un adeguato aiuto in questa fase. Stiamo valutando quali sono i criteri di accessibilità che possono essere soddisfatti tramite questo strumento che saranno pubblicati al prossimo aggiornamento della dichiarazione.
La presente dichiarazione è stata redatta il 18 dicembre 2024.
Le informazioni presenti nella dichiarazione sono state ricavate da una valutazione effettuata da terzi tramite analisi oggettive e soggettive come richiesto dalle linee guida dell’Agenzia Digitale Italiana AgID.
La dichiarazione è stata pubblicata il giorno 19 dicembre 2024
Per inviare le segnalazioni inviare una mail a:
Recapiti responsabile: direzione@operauni.tn.it
In caso di risposta insoddisfacente o di mancata risposta, nel termine di trenta giorni, alla notifica o alla richiesta, l’interessato può inoltrare una segnalazione utilizzando la modalità indicata nel sito istituzionale di AgID.
Obiettivi di accessibilità:
Sono in corso analisi più approfondite al fine di rimediare la maggior parte degli errori di accessibilità rilevati, come da monitor di accessibilità al seguente link:
1. La data di pubblicazione del sito web: gennaio 2021.
2. Sono stati effettuati i test di usabilità sì.
3. CMS utilizzato per il sito web: Joomla 3.10.5
In accordance with Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter, for brevity, ‘Regulation’ or ‘EU REG’ or ‘GDPR’) and subsequent amendments, Opera Universitaria di Trento aims to contribute to the achievement of the general strategic objectives of the institution; in accordance with and because of the effects of Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 679/2016, Opera Universitaria di Trento provides you with the following information regarding the processing of your personal data, including those communicated by you on the occasion of services rendered through specific sections of the site, in order to follow up on specific requests and the resulting services.
The collection and processing of your personal data are carried out:
Refusal to provide personal data or failure to provide consent to their processing shall make it impossible for Opera Universitaria di Trento to provide the requested services and to implement the objectives set out in point 1, letters a) and b) of this information notice.
The provision of data for the purposes set out in point 1, letter c) of this information notice is, on the other hand, optional and the data provider is therefore free to give or refuse consent to the provision of data. Even after consent has been given, the data provider is free to revoke it at any time.
The processing of your personal data will be based on the principles of lawfulness, correctness and transparency, protecting your privacy as well as that of your family members, in compliance with the principles set forth in Article 5 of the EU REGULATION. The data may be processed manually, using paper documents and also with the aid of electronic or automated means; The data are collected and processed at the headquarters of Opera Universitaria di Trento, in special documental archives/servers.
Your personal data are processed using suitable technical and organizational security measures in accordance with art. 32 of the EU REG., so as to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, minimizing the risks of destruction or loss, unauthorized access or processing not in accordance with the purposes of collection.
Your personal data are not subject to automated decision-making nor profiling.
According to Art. 9 paragraph 1 of the EU-REG, ‘sensitive data’ are ‘personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade-union memberships, as well as genetic data, biometric data capable of unequivocally identifying a natural person, data concerning a person's health or sexual life or sexual orientation’.
In order to achieve its objectives, Opera Universitaria di Trento may process your sensitive data, such as, for example, data relating to your health status or that of your family members, as well as your membership to a trade union.
The processing of your sensitive data will be carried out with all the guarantees and in compliance with the limits provided for by the EU REGULATION. In particular, only data strictly pertinent to the aforementioned obligations, tasks or purposes that cannot be fulfilled or achieved through the processing of anonymous data or personal data of a different nature will be processed.
The processing of sensitive data may take place if the data provider has given their explicit consent, or in accordance with Art. 9 paragraph 2) letter d) of the EU REG., even without the consent of the data provider when the processing is carried out during its legitimate activities and with appropriate guarantees by an association or other non-profit body pursuing trade union purposes, provided that the processing relates solely to members, former members or persons who have regular contact with the association or body because of the body’s objectives and that the personal data are not disclosed without the consent of the data provider.
In accordance with art. 9, paragraph 2, letter h) of the EU REG., moreover, sensitive data may be processed without the data provider’s consent where the processing is necessary, inter alia, for the management of health or social systems and services on the basis of Italian or European Union law.
Your personal data shall not be disclosed.
For the purposes outlined in section 1) of this privacy notice, Opera Universitaria di Trento may need to disclose your personal data to trusted external parties, specifically:
a) To professional bodies, including their territorial divisions, and third-party companies, as necessary, for the performance of institutional services and tasks;
b) To banking institutions for banking services and payments, companies that manage digital postal services, document archiving and storage companies, and other third-party providers of outsourced ancillary services;
c) To healthcare facilities and specialist physicians with whom a contractual agreement is in place;
d) To medical consultants, healthcare personnel, and legal advisors of Opera Universitaria di Trento;
e) To insurance or reinsurance companies or directly to third-party liable entities in the event of a recourse action.
These entities, depending on the case, will process the data as independent "Data Controllers" or as "Data Processors" duly appointed pursuant to contractual agreements in accordance with Article 28 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Your personal data will not be transferred to non-EU countries or international organizations. However, in specific instances, upon the explicit request of the data subject and in compliance with the provisions of the GDPR, your data may be transferred outside the national territory to execute payments through foreign banks.
Your personal data will be retained for the duration of the contractual relationship and thereafter for the period necessary to comply with all applicable legal obligations (e.g., fiscal obligations) and/or administrative tasks related to or derived from the contractual relationship.
The Data Controller is Opera Universitaria di Trento, with its registered office in Trento, via della Malpensada n. 82/A.
The Data Controller can be contacted via email at: operauniversitaria@pec.operauni.tn.it or by phone at +39 0461.217411, fax +39 0461.217444.
The updated list of Data Processors, if requested, is available at the operational headquarters of Opera Universitaria di Trento.
The Data Protection Contact Person, whom you may contact to exercise your rights under the GDPR listed in section 8 below, can be reached at: Opera Universitaria di Trento, Via della Malpensada n. 82/A, 38123 Trento
Fax: + 39 0461.217444 - PEC: operauniversitaria@pec.operauni.tn.it - Email: referenteprivacy@operauni.tn.it - Phone: +39 0461.217411.
It is also confirmed that a Data Protection Officer (DPO) has been appointed and can be contacted via email at: dpo@operauni.tn.it.
At any time, where applicable, and pursuant to Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR, you have the right to:
The exercise of your rights is not subject to any formal requirements and is free of charge.
The Data Controller is Opera Universitaria - tel. +39 0461.217411 - via della Malpensada, 82/A - 38123 Trento.
The Data Protection Officer is Attorney Elisa Lagni - e-mail: dpo@operauni.tn.it
Sei appena arrivato allo studentato e hai bisogno di uno stendino? Devi partire per un periodo di studi all’estero e non sai cosa fartene di tazze e piatti? Ecco quello che fa per te. Swaplace Sanbàpolis , uno spazio del riuso pensato per dare una seconda vita agli oggetti più usati dagli ospiti della residenza di Opera Universitaria.
Have you just arrived at the Residence and need a clothesline? Are you leaving for a study abroad program and don't know what to do with your cups and plates ? Here's the place for you. Swaplace Sanbàpolis, a re-use space designed to give a second life to the objects used by the guests of the Opera Universitaria Residence.
Swaplace sarà aperto al pubblico una volta al mese, ma tutte le studentesse e gli studenti che ne avessero necessità avranno la possibilità di compilare una richiesta online e, dunque, poter accedere al mercatino in qualsiasi momento, compilando questo form.
Swaplace will be open to the public once a month. All students will have the opportunity to fill out this form and access the market place whenever they need.
TRent is a virtual bulletin board created with the aim of simplifying the match between supply and demand for female students looking for housing and real estate owners present in Trento and Rovereto
The TRent is designed for students looking for housing in Trento and Rovereto, but also for those who are not yet enrolled at the University of Trento and intend to start their studies here.
In addition, the service is dedicated to real estate owners present in our territory (small private owners, university colleges, property managers, brokers), who will be able to find in TRent an institutional tool in which to upload their property.
It is possible to browse the site, without registration, and discover all the real estate proposals present. Through registration, the student will be able to contact the owner directly, leave a review and become part of the TRent community, where he or she can share opinions, experiences and evaluations.The owner can upload his or her own ad, simply by entering the required information in the dedicated fields.
The OU symbol indicates that the apartment has been viewed by staff of the Institution, who have verified the actual existence of the property at the address indicated, the presence of the equipment indicated in the ad and the general condition.