For specific information on Opera's services, please consult the dedicated sections of the site. Within each section, there is a FAQ section, where you will find answers to frequently asked questions.
Still haven't found the answer you were looking for?
Open a ticket by registering on this page:
- To open a ticket you need to register;
- You will receive a reply from our operators within 48 working hours (Monday to Friday)
Please wait for a reply to your ticket before opening a new one
In addition, a chat service will be activated on an experimental basis in order to provide instant answers to simple and direct questions (e.g. on deadlines for application calls, opening hours of our offices or of university restaurants).
Our operators will be online at peak usage times, and will try to communicate directly with users. When the service is offline, it will still be possible to send a request, which will be dealt with as soon as possible.