COVID-19 - What to do if... Let's make it clear

Friday 21 January 2022

There are many news and rumours going on about the virus and what to do in different situations. Many of us are confused and do not know what to do when one gets a positive test result or has close contact with a positive person; and sometimes we struggle to find the right channel to look for answers.

For this reason, according to the APSS indications, we have tried to summarise how to behave in this diagram. We hope it will help to get rid of any doubts...

schema ENG

List of University doctors

We also like to remind you that you shall comply with Annex E Regulations - "Code of conduct during health emergencies", such as respecting social distancing and wearing masks.

Moreover, please keep in mind that self-swabs are NOT considered valid by the health authorities and often give false negative results. We therefore ask you, in case of symptoms or doubts about your health situation, to contact Opera Universitaria immediately, by contacting the Reception or the Mediation Office.

We also invite you to visit the health authority's website: and contact the COVID centre on the toll-free number 800 867 388 from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Provincia Autonoma di Trento Università di Trento Comune di Trento Comune di Rovereto Unitrentosport UC UniCittà Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara   coni Centro Musica Trento