Tuesday 15 February 2022

Ateneo dei Racconti is a literary competition that has been promoted by Opera Universitaria for the last 11 years. Since Opera cares a lot about this competition, it has decided to give a few more days to those who still need time to finish their stories or want to try writing one.

The deadline for submitting your stories has been extended to the 25th February 2022, by 12 p.m. Entering the competition is free and must be done online, from this site, from the 15th December 2021 to the 25th February 2022.

Download the announcement HERE and then REGISTER HERE.

No matter how, just write!

We look forward to reading your story


Provincia Autonoma di Trento Università di Trento Comune di Trento Comune di Rovereto Unitrentosport UC UniCittà Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara   coni Centro Musica Trento