A wish

Tuesday 8 March 2022

I would like to take some of your time to share a thought on the occasion of this day of celebration of women, a somewhat bitter celebration, to tell the truth if we think of all that is happening not far from us.

It is clear that at this time any formal or rhetorical discourse on women is a little out of tune because no words can adequately express a situation in which we see thousands of women fleeing, leaving behind not only their homes and their possessions but their affections, ambitions and life plans.
It enables us to accomplish an important task: to give our young people the opportunity to build the foundations for their own future, through study, but also through the possibility of meeting, talking, entering into relationships.

I believe that this is the mission that we have to relaunch and strengthen at this moment because the only weapon we have to affirm peace is to build bridges, to give opportunities for knowledge and judgement, to allow people to talk to each other. My wish for this 8th of March is therefore addressed to all of us, women and men, because in our personal way we can put a small brick to rebuild what seems to be collapsing around us, with patience and commitment, as always in these 30 years.

Maria Laura Frigotto
President of Opera Universitaria


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