Opera map

Sportello Opera Universitaria

Via della Malpensada, 140 - Trento
T. 0461 217450

Orario di apertura
da lunedì a venerdì, dalle 9 alle 12 e il martedì e giovedì dalle 14 alle 16.


Servizio di Mediazione culturale
Via della Malpensada, 140
T. 0461 217418

Sarà possibile accedere agli sportelli solo su appuntamento tramite l'app, il sistema di regolazione degli accessi alle strutture Opera (sportelli e mense).

Per informazioni sul servizio,
è possibile aprire un ticket attraverso il seguente link:
Icona Ticket

San Bartolameo student residence
Studentato San Bartolameo


Logo TRent giallo page 0001 1


TRent is a virtual bulletin board created with the aim of simplifying the match between supply and demand for female students looking for housing and real estate owners present in Trento and Rovereto


The TRent is designed for students looking for housing in Trento and Rovereto, but also for those who are not yet enrolled at the University of Trento and intend to start their studies here.
In addition, the service is dedicated to real estate owners present in our territory (small private owners, university colleges, property managers, brokers), who will be able to find in TRent an institutional tool in which to upload their property.


It is possible to browse the site, without registration, and discover all the real estate proposals present. Through registration, the student will be able to contact the owner directly, leave a review and become part of the TRent community, where he or she can share opinions, experiences and evaluations.The owner can upload his or her own ad, simply by entering the required information in the dedicated fields.


The OU symbol indicates that the apartment has been viewed by staff of the Institution, who have verified the actual existence of the property at the address indicated, the presence of the equipment indicated in the ad and the general condition.


Trent imm blu eng


Basketball court
Five-a-side football field
Rapid Football field


Calendario Apertura Mense e Bar Lunedì Martedì Mercoledì Giovedì Venerdì
T. Gar 11.45-14.30 11.45-14.30 11.45-14.30 11.45-14.30 11.45-14.30
T. Gar 19:00 - 20:45 19:00 - 20:45 19:00 - 20:45 19:00 - 20:45 19:00 - 20:45
Povo 1 - Mensa 11:45 - 14:30 11:45 - 14:30 11:45 - 14:30 11:45 - 14:30 11:45 - 14:30
Povo 1 - Bar 7:30 - 17:30 7:30 - 17:30 7:30 - 17:30 7:30 - 17:30 7:30 - 17:30
Mesiano - Mensa 11:45 - 14:30 11:45 - 14:30 11:45 - 14:30 11:45 - 14:30 11:45 - 14:30


Provincia Autonoma di Trento Università di Trento Comune di Trento Comune di Rovereto Unitrentosport UC UniCittà Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara   coni Centro Musica Trento