Opera Universitaria di Trento

martedì 13 luglio 2021

TRent: the new site for university students created by Opera Universitaria.

It is a virtual bulletin board created to facilitate the meeting between student demand for housing and the entire offer in the cities of Trento and Rovereto. The site aims to simplify and give a further impulse to the search for housing in the area as well as responding to the housing needs of students with their own residences and apartments which can be accessed through the calls for capable and deserving people.

The platform supports students in the delicate phase of choosing accommodation, through an offer of varied, updated housing solutions, with clear and detailed information. At the same time, TRent intends to give owners the opportunity to present their offer in a sort of modern, intuitive and easy to navigate “showcase”.

Link to the site: https://trent.operauni.tn.it/

Provincia Autonoma di Trento Università di Trento Comune di Trento Comune di Rovereto Unitrentosport UC UniCittà Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara   coni Centro Musica Trento