Methods of accessing student accommodation
Accommodation by Call
Students with disabilities, identified in accordance with art. 3, c. 1, of law no. 104 of 5 February 1992, or with a disability equal to or greater than 66%, who meet the financial and merit requirements set out in the 2024/2025 Call, must apply for accommodation, scholarships and tax exemptions by filling in the ONLINE APPLICATION form on Opera's website.
The student/student must attest his/her disability by attaching the appropriate certification to the application.
The Student Community Inclusion Service is available to fill out the online application for the scholarship and to request any special needs for services and equipment.
If necessary, students with disabilities may request accommodation to be shared with their carer (who may stay free of charge).
Opera Universitaria has some barrier-free accommodation for specific needs. These needs must be notified in advance to Opera Universitaria when filling in the online application. In the absence of specific indications, places will be allocated ex officio.
Please always refer to the call for applications for scholarships and accommodation for the academic year 2024/2025.
Accommodation outside the call
Students with disabilities who do NOT meet the requirements set out in the 2024/2025 Call must fill in the application form available at the following link.
In the event of requests exceeding the available places, applications will be assessed by a special commission appointed by the University of Trento.
The duration of the grant of accommodation places, for students with a disability equal to or greater than 66% or with a disability identified pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 1 of Law no. 104 of 5 February 1992, considering the first year of enrolment, is
nine semesters for bachelor degree courses
seven semesters for master's degree courses
thirteen semesters for single-cycle master's degree courses.
As of the year 2024/2025, applicants for accommodation for years subsequent to the first will have to comply with the merit requirement with a 40% reduction in the credits envisaged by the call for applications for their degree course (see point 8. of the call for applications).
Students attending Level I and II master's degree courses or advanced training courses cannot apply for accommodation.For any clarification, please contact the Student Community Inclusion Service directly ( or by ticket to the Opera Universitaria Accommodation Office (

The Help service provides students of the University of Trento with disabilities who stay at the Opera Universitaria residences with 24-hour emergency assistance in solving technical problems and providing support for any type of emergency. To contact the Help service dial 388 3627763. An operator will answer the call and help the student to resolve the emergency.